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business good or bad?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004
This week has been super busy. There are lots of activities coming up in the world of Peace Youth. I have confirmation class this afternoon. Tonight is the voters meeting. Tomorrow I am hosting the DCE Cluster meeting so I have to prepare a devotion for that, and get some food. Tomorrow night Greg has a basketball game. Friday is the bonfire and hayride. Saturday is TJ's pizza pick-up and the Walk Through Bethlehem. Sunday is also the Walk through Bethlehem. I have the children's message on Sunday and get to teach Bible class. Sunday we also have JOY DUDE and Sing! It doesn't stop there! Next week on Wednesday we have open youth room, Friday is the Jr. Youth Mini Lock-in and Saturday all day I'll be at the Home Party Boutique. Sunday is Southgate and then Monday the 22nd Greg and I are going to WI for Thanksgiving. Business is a tool of the devil and I am not going to let him get me. At least I'm going to try to not let him get me. I have set aside time every morning to read my Bible and spend some time in prayer. I want to dedicate this time to Jesus! He is the one who is making it possible in the first place.

So in the middle of all this we have the Home Party Boutique and I have decided to try to sell some of my photographs. I don't know if this is a good idea or not. Cuz I have to find all the pictures, print them, mat them, label them and then try to price them. I don't know what to title them or how to price them. It just doesn't seem right. But I know that God gave me this talent for a reason and I want to use to for His glory. I just pray that is what this is, showing off the talents he gave me rather than just trying to make a name for myself and a buck. Anyway, please keep me in your prayers these next few weeks....that the stress doesn't get to me, that I stay healthy and most of all that I stay focused on my relationship with Him.

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