October is also pregnancy and infant loss awareness month. And I didn't want to let the month go by without saying something about this. I've never know the anguish and heartbreak of losing a child. Those mothers have experienced a grief that I may never understand. After talking with a few mothers who have said goodbye to their babies too soon I have heard more than once that they really want to make sure their babies aren't forgotten. They want people to talk about their precious children and not act like they never existed.
In an effort to honor the memories of those sweet babies who passed away too soon I am offering to write their names on a small card for moms and dads to have a visual remembrance. Along with their name I can write a date. They will also get a "always loved never forgotten" card. I can personalize the inside for you if you'd like. Please send requests to purejoycreative at gmail.com please include mailing address, what name and date you want written, color preference and if you want a personal message on the card. Please give me one week to get these done. I will accept names until the end of October. Please write "memory card" in the subject line of your email. Thank you for allowing me to help honor these mama's and their babies gone too soon again as I was so honored to do this last year too.
Feel free to share this with anyone!!

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