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some recent photo shoot sneak peaks!

Monday, July 11, 2016 •
My blogging is sporadic at best...but I'm having a blast living life and sharing it mostly on instagram. So make sure you follow me there if you're interested to know what I'm up to these days. The days don't slow down, I just do my best to make the most of them!

I am keeping busy with my five beautiful kids and doing my best to help our family make ends meet with a lot of custom painting and hand lettering work. I've also been able to get behind the camera again which has been a blast. I had the opportunity to photograph my friends from college and their beautiful family while on vacation and I was fortunate enough to photograph two gorgeous young ladies who will begin their senior years of high school in August. While I don't actively market my photography I am always up for capturing these memories for people...and I haven't lost ALL my skills so there's that! Here are a few of my favorite shots from my last three sessions!

Thanks for stopping by! Hopefully it won't be five months before I'm back again!!

On My Instagram