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$10 in FREE vitacost products!!

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Have you ever heard of They are offering $10 in FREE credit so that you can try anything on their site. And their site is filled with over 30,000 health and wellness products. Everything from coconut oil, to Burt's Bees products for your sweet babies, to stainless steel (and other) water bottles. I am going to get a few things for the new baby...but maybe I'll start with a new stainless steel water bottle because I'm not really a big fan of the plastic water my new fridge has water in the door and it's always available and always cold. So I'll just put it in a new water bottle and be all set! But seriously, go check out and get yourself something with your free $10 credit!!!
New Wave Enviro Stainless Steel 20 oz Water Bottle Red

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